No Money or Donations Accepted

I am not a Politician


QUALIFICATIONS: How does your experience prepare you for the duties of this office?

I have more than 20 years experience working with seniors in the community and the community as a whole. I was also one of the leaders for the CAC (Citizens Advisory Committee) to the police department. I led the Arthur Capper Carolsburg community in southeast DC, from being one of the worst neighborhoods to one of the top neighborhoods in Washington DC. In 2001, I had the privilege to sit down with councilmember Sharon Ambrose and rewrite the laws for the Alcohol Beverage Control Division. I've owned the largest nightclubs in Washington DC for more than 23 years (8 to be exact). You could argue no other business similar to mine has ever been in existence for more than 20 years in the United States with a club that size. There is no County Executive candidate currently running who has more experience or knowledge of working hand in hand with the police department, the community or running successful businesses for that length of time. For the past 15 years, I've owned an internet company.

BUDGET: What are your priorities for the county's budget?

This so-called budget is completely out of control due to frivolous and wasteful spending. This will not be tolerated if I'm elected. My main priority is getting the budget under control by locating the allocation of monies, trimming the fat and halting wasteful spending.

DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE: What are your priorities for land use, climate change and environmental justice in our county?

The first thing we must do is use what we already have. Meaning, do not build just to build. We have empty schools and buildings that can be refurbished and updated for the community and the county. This will also stop contamination of good land Prince George's County has to offer.

EDUCATION: What steps will you take to improve community support for the public schools?

One of the main things we have to do is ensure all students understand violence will not be tolerated. The assaults on our educators are completely out of control. Cell phone usage will not be allowed in any of our schools. I have a plan that will make money for schools to buy needed materials, computers and more. I would also like to get rid of voucher systems for private schools. All monies earmarked for education should be allocated to our Prince George's county public schools.

PUBLIC HEALTH: How can we safeguard the county’s health against future epidemics? What are your public health priorities?

We must be able to give good health care to our most vulnerable - the seniors. If they are healthy, everyone around them will also be healthy. There's a serious problem with seniors accessing good health care along with our children. They are all vulnerable.

EMPLOYMENT: How can the county government encourage economic development and job growth?

I find it funny when the so-called council members shoot off their mouths stating we can get work done by employing contractors. Absolutely not! Prince George's County is large enough to create jobs and do the work ourselves. This will save at least 60-75% of the money spent on contractors, whether they're building buildings, or doing any other type of work for us. The Prince George's County government is completely out of control.

AFFORDABLE HOUSING: How would you increase the availability of affordable housing and address homelessness?

I wanted to address this problem before I became aware of the budgetary problems in Prince George's County along with missing money. I'm very concerned about affordable housing and health-care for our seniors.
1. All seniors owning homes should not have to pay property tax.
2. Free medication should be available for all seniors. (This does not include controlled drugs)
I have very good ideas that will help cut this problem more than half. Let's see if I get elected.

OTHER PRIORITIES: What are your top three (3) issues and priorities?

1. Stop violence on our educators and secure all schools.
2. Affordable housing and healthcare for our seniors.
3. Add more police officers and help rewrite laws for our police department. Our police officers are acting as janitors. Meaning, they only arrive after something happens. There must be more community policing. Believe me, if elected I will get the job done.

Leadership Insights from Ron Hunt

Ron Hunt YouTube Video
Ron Hunt YouTube Video
Ron Hunt YouTube Video

Ron Hunt gives his thoughts on issues impacting Prince George's Co.

Ron Hunt YouTube Video

Prince George's County Executive Candidate - Ron Hunt

Ron Hunt Video 1

Ron Hunt, What qualifies you to be County Executive?

Ron Hunt Video 2

Ron Hunt, What makes you different from the previous County Executives?

Ron Hunt Video 3

Ron Hunt, How do you feel about the $200 million deficit?

Ron Hunt Video 4

Ron Hunt, How will you address violence in our schools?

Ron Hunt Video 5

Ron Hunt, How will you help our senior citizens?

Ron Hunt Video 6

Ron Hunt, Won't accept any money for his campaign?

Ron Hunt Video 7

Ron Hunt, Why do you want to run for County Executive?

What Leaders Are Saying About Ron Hunt

William B. Sarvis Jr

William B. Sarvis Jr
Former Assistant Chief of Police, Metropolitan Police Department, Washington D.C.

Does Ron Hunt have the knowledge and experience to run and lead Prince George's County? Why?

My name is William B. Sarvis Jr, former Assistant Chief of Police with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington D.C. I have been acquainted with Mr. Hunt for more than 40+ years and have known him to be both a dedicated family man, as well as a serious advocate for community improvements, both in Prince George's County where he currently resides, and Washington D.C. where he formerly worked.

Has Ron Hunt been a friend and ally to the police department and community?

Yes, while working in Washington D.C. during the most critical years of our nation's history, Mr. Hunt continuously supported our agency and city through both monetary donations and personal involvement with community efforts to reduce crime. His involvement with several of our crime-ridden community watch groups resulted in greater relations between both the police and community, leading to notable reductions in crime in those areas.

S. Hargrove

S. Hargrove
Former MPDC Sgt.

Mr. Hunt is and has always shown professional demeanor to all who work with him and for him.

As a young MPDC Officer, I was proud of his focus on helping the community and supporting law enforcement.

I'm proud to call Mr. Hunt a friend, and I believe he will be a great person to help and support this State, I love.

James Thompson

James Thompson
Former Metropolitan Police Officer

My name is James Thompson, I am a retired Metropolitan Police Officer in Washington, DC. I served 27 years.

I met Ron Hunt 35 years ago when he was the owner of the Chapter 3 club in Washington DC. Over the years we developed a friendship, and I got to know him on a more personal level. I always admired his strengths as an employer and a businessman.

He cared about the community where his club was located, and often made various donations to the community throughout the years. When I was told he was interested in running for public office I was not surprised. He has always shown a desire to uphold the laws and ordinances in and around his community.

Other business owners looked up to him also. I believe Ron Hunt truly cares about the wellbeing of the public and the issues that matter to them. Even though I have not known him to be a politician, he certainly has the qualities and loyalty to those who have worked for him as well as those who lived within the community. Ron is a strong leader with a great mind for business operations. I believe he has the knowledge and ability to run Prince George's County as County Executive.

Bryant Jeter

Bryant Jeter
Former Officer Lieutenant, Metropolitan Police Department

I am Bryant Jeter, a retired police lieutenant for the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) in Washington, DC. I came to know Mr. Ron Hunt in 1990 while employed as a police officer. I have always known Ron to have mutual respect from community members within his business as well as the ranking officials in management of the Metropolitan Police Department. Ron demonstrated his dedication to not only his business, but to those impacted however slightly as it related to his establishment.

When I learned of Ron’s desire to run for public office, specifically Prince George's County Executive, I thought of those who have preceded him in that position. I thought of how I had not had prior knowledge of their personal integrity and dedication to the community at large. As with any public office, it comes down to knowledge of that position sought, a true commitment to the people one is elected to serve, and the intent and integrity to do so in a manner which puts the public's best interest first. I believe Ron Hunt to be an individual willing and capable of serving in that capacity.

Welford L. Ferguson

Welford L. Ferguson
Sergeant, DC Police Department

I do personally believe that Ron Hunt can be a great County Executive and do a good job. I believe he will take care of the citizens of Prince George and ensure that they are in good hands.

I have personally kn-own Ron for over 30 years. He has always shown great care for Law Enforcement and has been there no matter what the circumstances.

Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown
Retired Sergeant, MPD

Ron Hunt has what it takes to lead PG County because he has demonstrated, over the course of 40+ years as an entrepreneur, the willingness to tackle the difficult issues while remaining true to his community by giving back to those most in need.

I have personally kn-own Ron for over 30 years. He has always shown great care for Law Enforcement and has been there no matter what the circumstances.

Ron Hunt has been the most courageous and supportive business owner I worked with in my career as a police officer and supervisor.

John Kelsey

John Kelsey
Former MPDC Officer

I was introduced to Ron Hunt while on the DC Police Department in the late nineties. I worked security for him throughout his various businesses in Washington, DC for approximately 20 years. When I found out Mr. Hunt was running for County Executive I was not surprised but excited. I got to know Mr. Hunt personally as friend and a great business mentor. As a business owner, Mr. Hunt gave me great advice on business matters and to this date still advises me.

As County Executive, Mr. Hunt can be counted on in times of a crisis as will as a celebration. He will excel and make significant contributions for the constituents of Maryland with his leadership and problem solving capabilities. Iam delighted to provide this enthusiastic endorsement for Mr. Hunt as County Executive. I am confident that he will thrive in the position.

Sharon Ambrose

Sharon Ambrose
Represented Ward 6 in the D.C. Council from 1997 to 2007

Sharon Ambrose's Letter
Diane Groomes

Diane Groomes
Former Assistant Chief of Police, Metropolitan Police Department, Washington DC

Diane Groomes's Letter
Terry Lynch

Terry Lynch
Downtown Cluster of Congregations

Terry Lynch's Letter